Cookie Policy

WARNING if you did not set your browser preferences and close the information banner (Cookie Policy), click on a link or continue browsing the other way, you consent to the use of cookies.This site uses cookie to third parties for sending advertising in line with your preferences.


What are cookies?
Cookies are files that are stored by the computer, cell phone or any other device suitable for surfing the Internet that contain some information (usually preferences) user visiting the site.
Every time you visit a site cookies refer preferences and user information to your reference site.

Session Cookies
Cookies are "temporary", usually disappear at the end of the browser, and are used to the normal site navigation recording basic information for the navigation of the same (eg, the language used by the user or the device used).
Session cookies are cookies that enable the user (visitor) to navigate more safely and efficiently.

Persistent Cookies (tracker)
Cookies are "permanent" (until maturity) that are used to record the data and preferences of users for statistical purposes and not.
Persistent cookies facilitate access of the site for example by avoiding having to re-enter every time the authentication credentials (for registration and login), but can also be used to check what are the areas of greatest interest to the user in order to effectively manage the advertising space.

First-party Cookies (Cookies technical)
They are persistent cookies or temporary serving primarily for navigation and operation of the site, the statistics navigation and preferences of navigation within the site itself.

Third-party Cookies
They are persistent cookies or temporary are generated and used by other people to the site and are used to deliver advertising within the same advertising or for statistical purposes.

What are cookies?

Technical Cookie
Cookies are essential to the statistics, the proper functioning of the site and for the verification of user; for example allow the browser to authenticate itself (in the case of login).

Cookies statistical and analytical
Are cookies that allow for statistical analysis and to assess inflows, which pages are most popular, the most sought after topics etc ...

Cookie of Social Networks
Cookies are connected to all major social networking platforms allow them to keep track of user data and the sites visited.

And other advertising Cookies
These cookies are used by external services and collect user information for advertising or for any other purpose and are often run by people outside the site and knowledge of the holder of the same.

It is important to check the Cookie Policy for individual services often being installed by third parties (who manage the advertising space).

Manage Cookies

You can handle, turning on / off or accepting only partially or only for some sites, cookies through the browser preferences.
You can also manually delete or end session cookies stored while browsing.
We should therefore know more about researching information on the net about these settings based on the type of browser used.

Apple Safari

Google Chrome

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

We recommend that you read the privacy / cookie policy of the following services.

Altervista Advertising (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.)

Altervista Advertising è un servizio di advertising fornito da Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.
Dati Personali raccolti: Cookie e varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio.
Luogo del trattamento: Italia – Privacy Policy:

Altervista Platform (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.)

Altervista Platform è una piattaforma fornita da Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. che consente al Titolare di sviluppare, far funzionare ed ospitare questa Applicazione.
Dati Personali raccolti: Cookie e varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio.
Luogo del trattamento: Italia – Privacy Policy:

In particular the use of cookies on the site is aimed at optimizing the same, the statistics and the use of free hosting service. site contains links to other sites visited through advertising time by the service hosting. Not having any information about the Privacy Policy of external sites is therefore essential to check the various policies adopted by the various sites.

It is advisable to use as a reference site for the management of their cookies on your computer or device.
 "Art. 10 Direttiva n. 95/46/CE, Direttiva 2002/58/CE, Direttiva 2009/136/CE"